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A widget must receive 150 users on average each day to be added to the Widget Catalog . A regional widget that's already included in our regional program ...
Yandex Disk is included in Yandex 360. This is your space for managing daily tasks: from storing personal memories to writing business emails.
Feb 15, 2023 · Yandex is the Russian version of Google. It's a search engine monopoly with many other ventures, its own phone OS, etc. You can ignore it safely.
Yandex Webmaster is a free and effective search optimization service. It helps you monitor the technical condition of your site and improve its ranking in ...
Oct 17, 2024 · Каталог — это пространство, в котором создаются и группируются ресурсы Yandex Cloud. ... Справа сверху нажмите кнопку Создать каталог.
Free online games for everyone: action, puzzles, racing, two-player, and more. No downloads required! Play on your mobile phone or computer.
Market) is a Russian free online service for the selection of goods and shopping. The service was launched on November 30, 2000 by Yandex.
Oct 17, 2024 · В консоли управления перейдите в нужный каталог. Перейдите на вкладку Права доступа. Нажмите кнопку Настроить доступ.